Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jolie-Pitt twins?

Jolie-Pitt twins?


THERE ARE now two anonymous sources claiming that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are not only expecting again, but expecting twins. First to break the dubious news was paparazzi organization X17, followed by an exclusive by Star magazine stemming from another anonymous source.

These specific pregnancy rumors come after more general pregnancy rumors spurred by Jolie's Jan. 7 appearance at the Critics' Choice awards looking less distressingly thin than usual and drinking only nonalcoholic beverages. Here's hoping for their sakes that they aren't girls, lest they grow up in the shadow of an Olsen Twins-style Countdown to Legality clock that will inevitably be put on the Internet 10 seconds after their birth.

Cage: I did not steal that dog

In one of today's more bizarre stories (but really, what involving Nicolas Cage isn't bizarre? Anybody see the "Wicker Man" remake? Anybody? Just SatTatt, then?), Cage refuted claims made in the memoirs of "Peggy Sue Got Married" co-star Kathleen Turner that he . . . well, it's easier to just quote the passage. He:

"caused so many problems. He was arrested twice for drunk-driving and, I think, once for stealing a dog. He'd come across a Chihuahua he liked and stuck it in his jacket."

Cage responded to Turner's allegations in the following priceless statement: "I have never been arrested for anything in my life, nor have I stolen a dog."

Clemens' Moment of Truth

Out of the many ways to handle serious allegations of drug abuse, one stands clear as maybe not the best choice: to do it on a nationally broadcast game show hosted by the host of "Joe Millionaire" and "Temptation Island."

The show in question is "Moment of Truth," in which contestants are hooked up to a polygraph and asked uncomfortable questions in front of their loved ones in hopes of winning up to $500,000 if they can answer 21 questions truthfully. As if that weren't cringe-y enough, the show's creator and producer, Howard Schultz, recently contacted pitcher Roger Clemens, offering him the chance to clear his name of allegations of steroid abuse.

"People have stood in awe at your incredible accomplishments in baseball," wrote Schultz in the grammatically iffy missive. "This show could let the world know that you are an incredibly courageous person as well to clear your name in front of a nationwide audience, all in the name of charity."

Insert 'Rehab' pun here

The turning point for singer Amy Winehouse's Thursday entry into rehab was when her father admitted that her family has looked into getting her committed under Britain's Mental Health Act after seeing a recent video of the singer smoking crack in front of her wedding photo.

Fellow singer Alanis Morrisette was unable to be reached for comment, but it is expected that she would rhetorically ask, "Isn't it ironic? You know, because her hit single was called 'Rehab' and now she's in rehab. Don't you think?" before musing that the situation is like rain on your wedding day. Tattle wishes Ms. Winehouse a successful recovery.

Whom do you want to be?

The Beverly Hills Institute of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery has released its annual list of the most-requested celebrity look-alike features. Vain women everywhere have spoken: We want the eyes of Katie Holmes, Angelina Jolie's lips, Katherine Heigl's nose, Carrie Underwood's jawline, Jessica Simpson's hair (wait, they do hair?) and Keira Knightley's cheeks, all topping off the body of Jessica Biel. If after hearing this, you're considering making your millions by pitching "Frankenstein: 90210" to ABC, step off - SatTatt is already there and will mess your pretty face right up.

Inanity now!

The body of Heath Ledger was transported from the Frank E. Campbell funeral home to an unidentified NYC airport. . . . Lil' Wayne was charged yesterday with four counts of felony drug and weapon possession after his tour bus was searched by an Arizona canine border-patrol unit, which turned up 4 ounces of marijuana, an ounce of cocaine, 41 grams of ecstasy and a .40-caliber pistol. His bail terms allow him to continue his tour. . . . Fox News' John Gibson, after days of protesting that it was a good joke, has finally made his apology (albeit insincere-sounding) for the crack, "Well, you certainly did find a way to quit him," a reference to the line from "Brokeback Mountain," that the radio personality made on his show after hearing of Heath Ledger's death. *

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New weight-loss spokesroyalty

New weight-loss spokesroyalty

Jenny Craig one-ups rival Weight Watchers, which famously counted Fergie, duchess of York, as a member by signing some even higher-ranked royalty: Queen Latifah will be the new face of Jenny Craig. Latifah joins the austere ranks of Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, and says she will focus less on weight loss for the sake of weight loss and more on healthy living. Let's hope nobody remembers those Pizza Hut commercials.

AP thinks Spears is a risk

With her marriage broken, her children taken away, her career in a tailspin and the state of her mental health/pubic grooming on constant display on newsstands across the country, how could things get much worse for poor Britney Spears? Well, now a major news outlet has officially put her on the likely-to-suddenly-die list: The Associated Press began preparing the obituary of Britney Spears last month. "We are not wishing it, but if Britney passed away, it's easily one of the biggest stories in a long time," said AP entertainment editor Jesse Washington.

She's a man, baby!

Vogue editor Anna Wintour (the real-life inspiration for Meryl Streep's nasty character in "The Devil Wears Prada") takes a pointed dig at Hillary Clinton in her February editor's letter. Wintour bemoans the state of America, in which women seeking power must look "mannish." Wintour goes on to state that "this is America, not Saudi Arabia."

Thanks for filling us in, Anna. Because $10,000 handbag is to power suit as western clothing is to burka. I'm pretty sure I remember that one from the last time I took the SATs. Wintour's remarks were spurred by the senator backing out of a photo shoot, reportedly for fear of appearing too feminine.

She's all ears

Jailed Brooklyn rapper Foxy Brown, in the fourth month of her one-year sentence for violation of probation, has filed an appeal with the New York State Supreme Court asking to be released early from Riker's Island due to an issue with her cochlear implant, which was damaged in an altercation with a fellow inmate. "Please understand that sitting in a prison with murderers and criminals is not rehabilitating or what I need to deal with my inner issues," said Brown in part of her four-page letter. Rival Brooklyn rapper Lil' Kim could not be reached for comment, but reportedly has been laughing hysterically while rolling around on a pile of mink for several hours. *