Saturday, August 23, 2008

an Olympic word problem


Olympians like to get it on

WITH THE OLYMPIC closing ceremonies only a couple days away and most athletes done with their events and allowed to stray from strict training regimens, here's a special episode of SatTatt from the Olympic Village (well, in spirit).

Beginning with the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the host country has traditionally (and thoughtfully) supplied the thousands of hard-bodied young athletes with thousands of condoms. In Sydney, the number was 70,000 condoms, and they ran out. Again: The athletes in Sydney used 70,000 condoms in two weeks - and had to fly in 20,000 more.

Beijing played it safer, so to speak, starting with an initial supply of 100,000. But what does that even mean? It's time for another SatTatt pop quiz!

Pop Quiz: China supplied the Olympic Village with 100,000 condoms. There are 16,500 athletes living in the Olympic Village. The Beijing Olympics are 17 days long. Assume for simplicity's sake that there are two Olympians involved in each condom use and that an average of 1.5 condoms are used per sexual encounter.

Q: If you are an athlete competing in the 2008 Olympics, approximately how frequently did the Chinese government think that you would get laid?

A. Twice a day

B. Once a day

C. Once every two days

D. Once every three days

E. Like, a million times a day

Looking at it logically, you can eliminate option E from the get-go. Not even Genghis Khan got laid a million times a day, and he fathered half of Europe if you believe Oxford geneticists.

So 100,000 divided by 16,500 athletes makes about six condoms per athlete. But it's not that easy! Two people share one condom, so put that up to 12 estimated sexual acts per athlete. If 1.5 condoms are used on average during a hook-up, that would take the number down to eight separate occurrences over the course of 17 days, which would mean that the Chinese government predicted that Olympic athletes would get laid . . .

C. Once every two days

See, math is fun! And even Olympic athletes don't get lucky every night.

SAT headhunters, SATTatt is always available to write questions just as awesome as this one.

Gold medalists get extra

Michael Phelps, one of our few of-age Olympians identifiable by the average American, is the subject of one of the only tidbits to leak from the Olympic Village: He was reportedly seen publicly making out with another gold-medal swimmer sponsored by Speedo, Stephanie Rice of Australia.

In semi-related news, Phelps just reportedly got a million-dollar advance from Simon & Schuster for "Built to Succeed," due out in December, in which he will write about his training for the 2008 games, although the title sort of makes it sound as if he'll write about how he's a Terminator-style robot.

Meanwhile, back in Baltimore

Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, who was terrifying as a gang assassin on "The Wire," was charged with drug possession Wednesday after police sent to arrest her for refusing to cooperate in a murder trial, found small amounts of marijuana in her bedroom.*

Saturday, August 16, 2008

$125,000 per eye


$125,000 per eye

POP QUIZ: Which best signifies the rock-bottom hit by DMX in the past few years? Choose as many as you feel are accurate.

A. Checking into the Mayo Clinic.

B. Trying to skip out on your Mayo Clinic bill by giving another person's name even though you're a famous, easily identifiable rapper.

C. Turning yourself in to police for missing a court date, having forgotten that there's a joint in the pack of cigarettes in your pocket.

D. Having police find guns, crack pipes and 12 starving pit bulls in your house, plus three dead pit bulls in your backyard.

E. Getting arrested outside a Miami Wal-Mart for flaking out on another court date.

F. Seeing your house foreclosed upon.

G. Going on Celebrity Rehab.

H. Acting in the movie "Cradle 2 the Grave."

OK, G isn't true, but it may not be far off! All these tabloids saying starlets are crying out for help because they haphazardly shave their own head or flash their Brazilian to photographers? Yeah, whatever.

Items E and F are the most recent. The Wal-Mart arrest happened Thursday, and his pro-bono lawyer announced yesterday that DMX is broke, his house has been foreclosed on and he was about to enter rehab when he was arrested. DMX is on a completely different plane than Lindsay Lohan or Amy Winehouse.

Doing the crazy eyes is hard!

Matthew Fox got himself a raise. He will now be making $250,000 per episode of "Lost," up from the $125,000 he was getting. Maybe Drug Addict Jack is way more taxing to play than Handsome Hero Jack? SatTatt has the inside scoop that Fox's new contract stipulates that he gets a new Fabrege egg for every episode in which his character tweaks out or has a hobo beard. The rest of the cast is still in salary negotiations.

In further "Lost" news, the producers put out a casting call for an actor to play Dan, a high-priced attorney who can be friendly, but has a "real menace lurking below the surface."

Three hot guys also really decent

Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law have donated their earnings from the new movie "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" to Heath Ledger's 2-year-old daughter, Matilda.

The three actors stepped in to replace Ledger, the original star of the movie, after his death in January. The concept is that Ledger's character, Tony, travels through a magic mirror to different dimensions, in which he coincidentally looks like other extremely attractive men.

Hopefully the money will help pay that poor kid's therapy bills when she's old enough to notice how Warner Brothers' marketing team spun her dad's death into

a $155 million opening week- end.*

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Twin premiere


Premiere of twins imminent, lucrative

A SPOKESWOMAN for People magazine announced yesterday that the world will soon be able to get its first look at Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's twin newborn girls, born in France on July 12.

The amount that People paid for the pictures has not been confirmed by the magazine or the couple, but French newspaper Nice-Matin reported it as being $11 million, more than twice the amount paid for the first pictures of big sister Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. The paper also reported that the money would be donated to charity.

And speaking of charity . . .

Charity group calls Bono a poser is a neat Web site set up to allow grass-roots organizations to raise money easily over the Internet. Its campaigns include one to force the return and resolution of the HBO show "Deadwood," one to return Brett Favre to the starting lineup of the Green Bay Packers, and one to keep Brett Favre firmly in retirement.

But the campaign that's been getting the most press lately wants your money for the noble cause of . . . making U2 singer Bono stop raising money for AIDS charities?

The group claims that the star's RED campaign has been "one huge advertisement for GAP, American Express, and for Bono himself," and has spent millions more on advertising than it did on actual charity work.

More pointedly, the site says that Bono's efforts are leading the public in a dangerous direction when it comes to charitable donations. Bono's efforts, the site claims, are counterproductive, encouraging consumers to buy RED iPods and Gap T-shirts as a high-profile and self-congratulatory substitute for just, uh, giving the money straight to charity.

The group says it will donate all the money it raises to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria if the singer will retire from public life.

As of last night, the group had raised $796.

Inanity now!

* Lindsay Lohan fires back

L.A. Police Chief William Bratton, who, discussing the reasons why paparazzi were less of a nuisance than they had been, inadvertently outed Lohan.

"Since Britney started wearing clothes and behaving, Paris is out of town not bothering anybody anymore, thank God, and evidently, Lindsay Lohan has gone gay, we don't seem to have much of an issue," the police chief said.

Lohan, in a video on, angrily said that the police "shouldn't get involved in everyone else's business when it comes to their personal life. It's inappropriate."

* Richard Griffiths and "Harry Potter" star Daniel Radcliffe will reprise their roles in Peter Shaffer's "Equus" when it opens on Broadway in September. London critics applauded Radcliffe's performance, but the play was mostly talked about for Radcliffe's extended nude scene.

* The busted-up hand that Shia LaBeouf got in his recent car accident will be written into the script of "Transformers 2," says director Michael Bay.

* Stephen Colbert, who noted on his show a while back that biologist Jason Bond had named a spider Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi after the singer, demanded, "Where's my spider?" Bond named a species of trapdoor spider Aptostichus stephencolberti (pronounced Steven Cole-berry). *