Saturday, August 16, 2008

$125,000 per eye


$125,000 per eye

POP QUIZ: Which best signifies the rock-bottom hit by DMX in the past few years? Choose as many as you feel are accurate.

A. Checking into the Mayo Clinic.

B. Trying to skip out on your Mayo Clinic bill by giving another person's name even though you're a famous, easily identifiable rapper.

C. Turning yourself in to police for missing a court date, having forgotten that there's a joint in the pack of cigarettes in your pocket.

D. Having police find guns, crack pipes and 12 starving pit bulls in your house, plus three dead pit bulls in your backyard.

E. Getting arrested outside a Miami Wal-Mart for flaking out on another court date.

F. Seeing your house foreclosed upon.

G. Going on Celebrity Rehab.

H. Acting in the movie "Cradle 2 the Grave."

OK, G isn't true, but it may not be far off! All these tabloids saying starlets are crying out for help because they haphazardly shave their own head or flash their Brazilian to photographers? Yeah, whatever.

Items E and F are the most recent. The Wal-Mart arrest happened Thursday, and his pro-bono lawyer announced yesterday that DMX is broke, his house has been foreclosed on and he was about to enter rehab when he was arrested. DMX is on a completely different plane than Lindsay Lohan or Amy Winehouse.

Doing the crazy eyes is hard!

Matthew Fox got himself a raise. He will now be making $250,000 per episode of "Lost," up from the $125,000 he was getting. Maybe Drug Addict Jack is way more taxing to play than Handsome Hero Jack? SatTatt has the inside scoop that Fox's new contract stipulates that he gets a new Fabrege egg for every episode in which his character tweaks out or has a hobo beard. The rest of the cast is still in salary negotiations.

In further "Lost" news, the producers put out a casting call for an actor to play Dan, a high-priced attorney who can be friendly, but has a "real menace lurking below the surface."

Three hot guys also really decent

Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law have donated their earnings from the new movie "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" to Heath Ledger's 2-year-old daughter, Matilda.

The three actors stepped in to replace Ledger, the original star of the movie, after his death in January. The concept is that Ledger's character, Tony, travels through a magic mirror to different dimensions, in which he coincidentally looks like other extremely attractive men.

Hopefully the money will help pay that poor kid's therapy bills when she's old enough to notice how Warner Brothers' marketing team spun her dad's death into

a $155 million opening week- end.*

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